Monday, May 16, 2011

Why Are We Afraid To Speak Out ?

Why Are We Afraid To Speak Out
May 15, 2011

Today is a most historic one to note. Sixty Three years ago The State Of Israel was created, and it was a turning point in both Jewish and World History. For the Jewish people it was the fulfillment of a prayer that kept them alive for 2,000 years. It was a reenactment of a third homecoming. First from Egypt, then Babylonia, and then Europe. For the world it was a nation that ignited a new wave of democracy, science, medicine and technology that commenced from a tiny flame that grew to a power driven force of energy and creativity, that would be a renewed ‘light unto the nations of the world.’ No nation in the world has experienced such a meteoric advance in its development and influence in world affairs as Israel has in the past sixty three years. Yet despite this success, despite the contributions Israel has made, there remains nothing but scorn, deceit, hostility, and anger at her.

The vast majority of the nations of the world try in every way to find things wrong and unjust in Israel’s right to exist and prosper. They continually side with the left, a sworn enemy to her existence, in all disputes concerning a just and lasting peace in the Middle-east. For without Israel, the left would not have a better scapegoat to attract those to their cause and hence camouflage their real objective of seeking a world utopia, and with it a loss of freedom so clearly proven by the demise of the Soviet Union, and for the predicted  fall of Communism in China destined to change one day into a free nation.
Today, a historic day to remember,  commemorates that a small population of 650,000 Palestinian Jews stood up to, and defeated seven  armies and nations comprising 40 million people without the alliance of a single nation in the world. Only Czechoslavaki sold weapons and planes to Israel. No other nation offered financial and military support.  More than eight wars to date have been endured. Eight wars where the attempt was clearly aimed at the destruction, expulsion, and erasure of a nation people and its territory. Twenty Four Thousand military fatalities where not a family escaped the sacrifice of losing one of their own.  Yet despite those devastating wars, those great human losses, Israel forges forward to greater success. The world, if not indifferent to this monumental achievement, is  actually hostile to her existence, and ready to acquiesce to any and all intentions to weaken her in order that she will be more easily destroyed.

For the Arab terrorists and politician May 15th Nakba (The Catastrophe)  is again an opportunity to fool the Arab street, and world public opinion into furthering the myth that Israel is the source of their misery. How ludicrous to hear Syria condemn Israel for firing on innocent unarmed civilians whose aim was hardly peaceful. Where those so called demonstrators were out to  kill and destroy. Where in Syrian territory they are killing dozens every day for demonstrating for freedom and human rights. How the Palestian leadership together with the Hamas are willing to sacrifice their constituents by inspiring them to surrender their lives and become martyrs. These immoral tactics will not succeed because one day, the people will realize how they were and are being manipulated and exploited.

Where then are the voices of support for real justice? Where is the recognition that history should not be turned around to please the Oil and Moneyed interests, the autocrats, the nations that tie their financial gains from siding with the Arab dictators, and Islamic Jihadists? Where is the morality that is preached to us daily by the major religions of the world to do well, and to love their fellow man; to help the poor and oppressed, to follow the golden rules? Where were the nations of the world when the gas chambers controlled by the Nazis were working overtime to complete their plan of extermination before their time would run out by their crushing defeat from the Allies? Where was the world when Darfur, and the Congo, Rwanda and Cambodia cried out for someone to speak out and take real action against the murders, rape, and extermination of millions? So today,  we remain silent to the continued threats to Israel’s threatened destruction. We remain silent to the blatant murder, imprisonment, and torture of millions of Syrians by a dictator as notoriously despicable as Sadam Hussein. We join in the bombing of Libya, but allow Assad of  Syria a free hand in killing hundreds as they demand their freedom from the tyranny from a so called and alleged socialist government pretending to be interested in the equal welfare of all of their people. Most of  Assad’s people are living on pennies a day while he and his cronies dine on caviar. Most of his people who have no rights and also lack the opportunity to compete in their controlled economy since most of the Syrian enterprises are run through the Assad family chain of control. But no public outcry! No support for those protesters! The world continues its silence and inaction.

There are those who say if we speak out we may invite even worse alternatives than the brutal force that controls Syria at present; that Assad’s control might be better than other fundamental extremists who may take power, and who may resort to more harm than good if he is replaced. ‘The devil you know may be better than the devil you don’t know.’ If we bomb Libya, then why should we not bomb Syria, and stop if not slow down the oppression and murder as we did in Libya? The U.S.A. and Israel should provide some support and encouragement to the Syrian opposition. To let the Syrian people know that even though their nation is a sworn enemy of Israel and the United States, that Israel respects their citizens right to freedom, human rights, and the right to live without fear; that we support their right to arm themselves, and we will help them in their rebellion just as Assad helps Hizballah and Hamas.We should help them with the hope that one day they will recognize that in the time of their greatest need Israel & The United States supported them. If democracy evolves in Syria we may expect that some will speak out at that time, and possibly remember that it was Israel & the United States that helped them achieve their freedom.
We should never be afraid to speak out! All of us in an indifferent world, have a powerful voice individually if we would only attempt to speak to the oppressed and inform them that we support their causes of truth and justice. We could use our Facebooks, Linkedin, Twitters, and other social media to communicate directly with the people who rarely ever receive the truth from their own media. To inform them that they are living under a repressive government whose policies is to terrorize their citizens, and to threaten to destroy Israel. To cease hating the United States who wants no less than to have a peaceful friendly relationship with all their people.  To email Iranians and tell them that we sympathize with their suffering under their oppressed surroundings; that we are not their enemies, but desire to be their friends and support their attainment of freedom and justice. To email those we can that we support a radical change in their country that would allow freedom and human rights. To email President Obama to do more than just talk about sanctions that are weak and not easily enforced against Syria, nor words condemning the brutality perpetuated upon the Syrian people that lack any force to bring about changes. To encourage the Syrian Army to defect to the side of the oppressed. To email Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel that this is a historic moment to aid the rebellion with the hope that a new regime
would be a real partner for negotiating a final peace treaty,  and a chance for real peace between Syria and Israel with a democratic government.  Speak Out! Speak Out! And then, Find The Truth!

Ira Feinberg’s blog “Finding The Truth” can be found at